Unchaste Solstice, 2016
What a perfect Unchaste Solstice. Camille Rose, thank you for your voice - it was Solstice magic. Elizabeth Scott, thank you for the vision of a whole life in such succinct and elegant prose and for showing us our mothers and our mother selves who can also be our child selves - the heart break of that relationship and its impossibilities and severings. Kerry Cohen, thank you for something new, your words always so solid, so good, so smart, so Unchaste. Melanie Fey, thank you for the sky, for the words, for multiple languages, for your family, pain, emotion, love, for an animated home, for all things personified. Laura Rose Arias, such a voice! Musical prose. Thank you for the Blissful, gorgeous Noise/Sound. Jewels, thank you for the gift of your mothering, for surviving without question, for redefining/refining strength so it serves you and not vice versa. Thank you all for the emotional boost, the spiritual sustenance, the company, the Home. Love to the audience. Thank you for filling The Jar and the pockets of performers. Thank you for the generosity of everyone who was there. It's a generous thing to be together, to listen, to walk out into the fog and know you'll find a good place to go in from all the Cold. LOVE!