KBOO Show – Listen to it Now and Forever

Here’s a link to the show. You have to listen to some minutes of another show until you get to us…there are some men talking about economics… The Unchaste show starts at about 5 minutes when you click the link below.

Unchaste on KBOO Radio!

Nikki Schulak: With the chemical formula for Prozac tattooed on her wrist, Nikki Schulak writes and performs personal stories about bodies. Her essay “On Not Seeing Whales” (about having brain aneurysms) was a notable selection in Best American Essays 2013.

KMA Sullivan is the author of Necessary Fire, winner of the St. Lawrence Book Awards, The Collection will be released this January from Black Lawrence Press. Her poems have recently appeared in Boston Review, Southern Humanities Review, Forklift, Ohio, The Nervous Breakdown, Gargoyle, and diode. She is the editor-in-chief of Vinyl Poetry and the publisher at YesYes Books.

Nadia Martinez Chantry: Mujer, madre, maestra. Nadia Martínez Chantry lives in each of these roles, moment by moment, day by day. She is a survivor with a simple daily goal; to find, amplify, and honor her own strength as a woman, a mother, and a teacher.

Intisar Abioto is an explorer, photographer, dancer, writer, and performer. She is currently working on The Black Portlanders, a photo essay and exploratory project documenting the presence people of African descent in Portland, OR. Find her at intisarabioto.com

Carrie Seitzinger is the author of the book, Fall Ill Medicine, which was named a 2013 Finalist for the Stafford/Hall Award for Poetry. She is the Co-Publisher of Small Doggies Press. She is also the co-founder and Editor-in-Chief of the online arts and culture magazine NAILED.

Laura Green is a half-Mexican tattooed bastard child of a renegade nun who’s never caused a traffic accident and is currently working on a book about all of it.

Jenny Forrester’s most recent work will appear in the Listen to Your Mother Anthology published by Putnam in 2015. She curates Portland’s Unchaste Readers Series.

Domi J Shoemaker is a gender-flexing feminist who worked in social services for nearly 25 years, then stopped, and started writing seriously in Dangerous Writers in 2010. Domi is the founder the Burnt Tongue Quarterly reading series and has been published in a few places, most recently in the Forest Avenue Press Anthology, The Night and The Rain and The River.