It's Time for Volume III of the Unchaste Anthology: Print!
Hello all,
Please submit an original/never to be published elsewhere piece of writing expressing what’s on your mind.
Word Count: 150 words (yes, I know!)
Visual art: One image that will need to be easily manipulated and highest resolution possible. Must be black and white.
Theme: What’s on your mind (which is always the theme of the Unchaste Readers Series: Reading Our Minds).
Consider: The topic of being Unchaste as you see it or how being Unchaste or the idea of human beings being Unchaste (or any variation on what comes to mind) affects you/loved ones/everyone/lots of someones/etc.
Who can submit: Anyone who considers themselves to be woman/femme/gender non-binary in any personally defined way. Just please don’t submit if you’re a CIS man.
Understand: We’re here to subvert and express and be de-centering forces against the heterosexist, white-supremacist, capitalist patriarchy.
Understand: Who you are in this society and write to the truth of your experience.
Censorship/editing: I will work with some people who submit on strengthening their work whether it’s grammar or otherwise, but you’re responsible for your content, not me. I’m going to try to get as many of you in as possible.
Formatting and Etc.: If you have a very specific way you want your work to look, please make it that way, but make sure it’s easy to push into a Scout Book. It’s tiny. Tiny, tiny, beautiful space. If you have particular font and etc., again, please make sure it’s something the layout/design professional can do. I want to hold your work in this print space the way you want it to be held, so if you have questions, please let me know.
Please submit with the understanding that you won’t publish this work elsewhere (I can’t bring any force of law to this because that would be paperwork and understanding Vogonocracy and tax my brainpan, but it’d be great if you could abide so that this collection is truly unique).
So, if your work is accepted and published in this volume, you’ll be compensated via paypal or venmo. Those are the only options at the moment. You’ll be compensated $30 upon acceptance and you will receive two copies of the anthology. You can reject payment as it comes from my personal pocket, but I’m for compensation. I’m for you.
Also, please please please assist with the sales of this anthology and tell everyone about it so we can get them all sold and move on to Volume IV! They’ll be sold from the website (and from and from the kind hearts of independent bookstores and at the AWP Conference in March, 2019 in Portland, Oregon.
If you have questions, please send to
Submission Deadline: November 30th.
The color of the cover of the next anthology is an exciting mystery to be revealed by the talented and amazing Olivia Croom.
Thank you!!!
P.S. The editor retains all rights to publish/reject/etc. Rejection, so far, is rare, as those who aren’t able to be published in the current volume will be published in the next and so far, no one has submitted who is a CIS man. This is the way of things until something changes.