Unchaste News

Come to Pride on June 20th! Literary Arts Space, downtown PDX. 7 pm sharp start, hosted by Jewels!


Unchaste Readers Series
A reading series with an annual print anthology for poets, writers, musicians, artists who are Not CIS men.

Amie Zimmerman's got a new chapbook out! It's so beautiful.
Read some of her things here


Jenny Yang TV is must must must see!


Aubrey Lenahan is a powerhouse. Aubrey is the author of Note Pinned to the Back of a Dress (H_NGM_N BOOKS, 2013). Her poems have appeared in ForkliftOhioLevelerThe Massachusetts ReviewThe Greensboro Review, and Boog City, among others. A native New Yorker, she has taught creative writing and literature at various east coast institutions, and now lives and writes in Portland, OR. 


Pamela K. Santos has a new book out, too! Check for her work here. The Secret Lumpia.


And IPRC just graduated some wonderful souls from their publishing program. Jessica Wadleigh is one of them!
Links to come. I've read parts of this in pre-production. SO WONDERFUL


ALSO! Would you like to teach for writers in the schools in Oregon?

From the desk of Writers in the Schools. "We offer part-time, contractor-style work, placing writers in short-term creative writing residencies in public high schools.  I think you’d be good at this, and I would love it if you’d give it some thought."

Information about applying is here:
