July 15th! Jade Lounge
Come see us at Jade Lounge with Flint, Cassia, Amanda, and Jackie.
Jackie Treiber is a collage artist and writer from Portland, Oregon. Her collages have been featured at Blick Art, the Yards Collective in Rochester, New York and Redux Gallery in Portland. Over the years, her writing has been published in The Literary Review and Nailed Magazine.
Cassia Chambers is a writer who is also a labor-community organizer and parent. Her writing has been published in Nimrod International Journal, Bombay Gin, and The Remedy: Queer and Trans Voices on Health and Health Care. She lives with her daughter in Portland.
Amanda Helstrom-White is Coloradoan who has made Portland her home for over 10 years. She started writing poetry via osmosis when she found herself in a relationship with the godfather of the poetry mafia. She is on a mission to bring new voices to the world via her reading series, Neon Dream She has read her poetry live at New Poet Challenge, Free Range Poetry, Unchaste Readers, Get Nervous, Grief Rites, KBOO’s Talking Earth, Talking To at Tony's Tavern, and Word Warriors. She has been published in Gobshite Quarterly, Acta Aperta, and recently published her first chapbook Tattoos and Haiku, a collection of 100 Haiku. She is currently working on her next project, Dear Asshole on the Bus and Other Rantings of an Angry Panda. She lives in Downtown Portland, Oregon, with her partner and her two teacup panthers, Walter and Jesse. You can find more of her work at angrypandapoet.tumblr.com
Flint is a queer writer, activist and performance artist with an MFA in Writing from the School of Critical Studies at CalArts, and an abiding interest in hybridity, performativity and generative genre-tampering. Her work has been published and performed here, there and elsewhere—including the theatre arts anthology Staging Social Justice and the introductory issue of Two Hawks Quarterly, where her poem, 'In Praise of Two Hawks Fucking,' inspired the journal's name. Her memoir, Blood, was a finalist for the University of New Orleans’ 2017 Press LAB Award.